Alus Interview by @PowerPlayersMag  #AlusOfficial

Alus Interview by @PowerPlayersMag #AlusOfficial


PHOTO attached - credit: Andrew Fennell

PPMag: You are becoming a big deal in the music industry and your music has been an inspiration 

as we have watched your fanbase over the past 2 years. How does that make you feel?

Alus: It feels incredible. Just watching the audience and #AlusArmy grow makes me feel like all of the hard work over the past few years is really paying off. It’s a blessing.

PPMag: How do you describe your sound?

Alus: With my new project, urban pop. I had been told only 6 days before my expected EP Alustrious II’s release that I wasn’t allowed to release the project I had worked a year on creating. The company that I was signed to basically tried to slow down my progress by pulling back the project. Instead of letting that defeat me, I created an emergency plan to get back into the studio with only 3 days to record and came out with an entirely new project that I’m very proud of. 

PPMag: One of my favorite songs is "Ordinary Girl" what was the inspiration for that track?

Alus: I was seeing a guy for awhile who had been treating me like the title of the song, an “Ordinary Girl”. When writing the song, I decided to call him out for all the childish ways he’d been acting. I bet he laughed when he heard it too.

PPMag: Are you a signed artist or indy? 

Alus: Indy as of now :)

PPMag:What's the next move for you and what do you want to achieve in music? Who do

you want to work with? 

Alus: I just want to create great music that lasts. I have a lot of plans for the future.. tours, collabs, movies. I’m a very cinematic person so everything I do is quite grandiose. I plan on showing that in my career through a period of time. 

PPMag: Where are you from and do you plan on staying there?

Alus:   I’m from Jersey. I naturally love warmer climates though so who knows where I’ll end up?

PPMag: When did you know your music career was successful and have you ever

wanted to give up along the way? 

Alus:  Honestly, I’m always striving for more so I don’t feel like I’ve reached the success of the level I plan on yet. But it’s definitely on its way.. nothing happens over night.

PPMag: What kind of cell phone do you have? Are you team Android , Team Apple or Time Windows?

Alus: I have two.. an iPhone & a Samsung Galaxy! 

PPMag: What do you want to say to your fans and supporters and who do you want to say hellos

and thank you's too? 

Alus:  Thank you for all of your support thus far and for being loyal members of the #AlusArmy! It’s only the beginning.. and thank you to my amazing team of management and producers who put up with me and my chaotic ideas on the regular. This isn’t possible without you

Plug your up and coming projects.....

New music coming soon. Check for more details :)

A video posted by Alus (@alusofficial) on
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