40 Acres and a Cow by Troy Taylor aka DirtyRice the Editor #PPMag

40 Acres and a Cow by Troy Taylor aka DirtyRice the Editor #PPMag

A photo posted by TROYTAYLOR4President (@troytaylor4president) on
Today my dad and I went to LaGrange Texas to check on the land left to us by my grandparents and I
had a thought. The property is less than 2 hour away from Houston were I reside. The ride was great
because I found myself bonding with my dad , the man who taught me so much. My grandfather Will Taylor who has been deceased for about 2 years was the man who trained me on cows, chickens, pigs, and other farm animals in hopes that we would have an heir or successor who would have the interest of taking over the ranch one day. To be honest I have a lot of work to do when it comes to these cows and my dad has some ideas of getting into beef ranching. Send me some feed back on what you guys think about going back to the country. Is the city too over crowded??

Troy T aka DirtyRice the Editor
Power Players Magazine,

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