Does Hate for Obama equal Hate for Blacks?

Does Hate for Obama equal Hate for Blacks?

In the past couple of years we have noticed a change in the political environment and it seems race wise Americans have become more divided than ever. Some would say after the deaths of Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin and countless other youths in the communities of America that the media has displayed a bias and when it comes to the phrasing "Black Lives Matter" blacks have become too sensitive regarding slavery and other past occurrences such as slavery and the representation of flags that fly in representation of the battle of a civil war that claimed the lives of thousands in the name of free labor. Fast forward if you will to the subject of leadership, Barack Obama the subject of this passage. Over a the last few years I have noticed a growing trend of hatred for Obama and his policy that seems to have racist under tones. Almost every story that is posted online that is written by mainstream media or even local bloggers have a comment section that is over bustling with negative and or racist comments regarding Americas first black president. Why are white Americans so upset with everything that Obama does? One often wonders what would have been if Obama was a dark skinned Afrocentric American with a black blood line that was mostly American , or if he would have been voted in if people were not just burned out with the prior administration. I would like to challenge any of you today to go to Facebook and read any story on Obama and see the split between white and black comments and the percentage of others who speak on America's first black president. Remember this for future reference, a house divided in itself can not stand. DirtyRice the Editor Power Players Magazine World Wide Media
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